Growth Grants for Business
If you own and run a small or medium business (SME) in Kent or East Sussex and you’re ambitious to develop and grow, you might be eligible for Growth Grant Funding to give it a BOOST.
The government funded South East Business BOOST (SEBB) programme provides growth grants to small and medium businesses. It is available for both established businesses and start-ups. The grant is available to fund a wide range of services to help businesses increase sales and improve profitability.
The grant funding is match-funded. The business pays 70% and the grant covers the balance of 30% – the maximum grant is £10,000.
The BOOST programme covers a wide range of services and products to help businesses with their growth plans, including. –
- New website
- Training
- New machinery and tools
- New plant and equipment
- Marketing
- Branding
- Mentoring and consultancy support
- New IT equipment and software
- Commercial vehicles
Is your business eligible for South East Business BOOST?
I’m already working with businesses in East Sussex which have obtained an SEBB grant. – businesses in Crowborough, Hastings and Uckfield – why not you? After all, it costs nothing to enquire.
Upcoming Business Grant options.
There are many business support grants available, but so often they are hidden away and only run for a short time before they are withdrawn. Many clients and business owners I speak with are unaware of the number of grants that are available. As a result, they spend hard-earned money on a growth project being totally unaware that they could have easily secured some grant funding – i.e. save themselves some money.
Another good example of a business grant that has been available previously, and will become available again in February 2021, is the LoCASE Green Growth grant which is part of the government’s green agenda. Designed for SMEs, the LoCASE grants are for businesses which want to ‘green up’ by reducing their carbon footprint – for example install low energy LED lighting or insulate their building. The grant is also available to for business which design and build ‘green’ products or supply ‘green’ services.
The LoCASE grant is match-funded with 40% grant support and 60% from the business.
If you want to find out more about how growth grants can help your business feel free to contact me for a chat.