Business Mentoring for Start-Up businesses

If you are the owner of a start-up business, or planning to start your own business, support in those early days is vital. You have got the ideas and the ambition to work for yourself and build your own business, but do you have a plan, how do you move forward, what are the next steps, will it work?  You want to drive growth, create opportunities, overcome challenges, achieve your goals and be profitable. Working for yourself can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be if you work with a business mentor.

Whatever your business goals, you will come up against many of the challenges that starting a business brings. The good news is that challenges can be a catalyst for your business growth and personal development. The key is to put yourself in the best possible position so you can be proactive rather than reactive.


Business Mentoring for Start-Up businesses

If you are the owner of a start-up business, or planning to start your own business, support in those early days is vital. You have got the ideas and the ambition to work for yourself and build your own business, but do you have a plan, how do you move forward, what are the next steps, will it work?  You want to drive growth, create opportunities, overcome challenges, achieve your goals and be profitable. Working for yourself can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be if you work with a business mentor.

Whatever your business goals, you will come up against many of the challenges that starting a business brings. The good news is that challenges can be a catalyst for your business growth and personal development. The key is to put yourself in the best possible position so you can be proactive rather than reactive.

If you’re ready to start, book a free introductory consultation on Zoom – no hidden fees and no obligation. You can chat with Chris about your business and your current position, and he will tell you how he can help and support you.    

What benefits will a mentor bring to your start-up business?

Chris Dowling can help you make a better start with your business – making it stronger and more sustainable. 

Through tailored business mentoring, Chris works with start-up owners to help build sales, turnover and have a clear route ahead.  Chris will work with you to achieve the success you want from your business.

With over 40 years of business experience, Chris has a lifetime of business experience and knowledge – he has ‘been there and done it!’ Chris provides you with the skills you need to make your business trade successfully.

To find out more about Chris, please visit the About page. Alternatively, to understand his background and the businesses he has helped in the past, please visit Case Studies page.

Why is mentoring important for start-up businesses?

Setting up a business is hard work, but the results are rewarding.  Keeping a new and young business growing and increasing its profitability is even harder. Chris will help you to understand the challenges you face – often before you face them. He will ensure you are in the best position to manage the challenges when they arrive – and similarly, let’s not forget the opportunities that are always available.

Working with a mentor will help you take your business to where you want it to go – and faster!

Here is how Chris will help and support you with your Start-Up business:


Starting and running your own business can be a lonely place – you are you own, who do you talk to? Chris is a sounding board and critical friend, providing you with the accountability you need.

Defining business goals and objectives

Chris will help you to define your business plans and objectives. He will talk you through your ideas, look at what is best and help you with an action plan so you can move forward with clear ideas and achievable objectives.

Business plan writing - strategy

Every business needs a strategy and plan – where you want to go, how you want to get there and how long you want it to take. Chris will work you to produce a medium to long term strategy and plan for growth, stability and profitability.

Business development

As a business consultant and mentor, Chris provides advice and support as you mov e along your business journey.

Business finance and grants

Good finance and funding are the key for businesses – Chris understands the importance. He has access to commercial lenders and the government’s START-UP LOAN scheme, available to business which have been trading for up to three years. There are also business grants available from the government and public bodies.

Financial planning and cash flow

Chris will help you with budgets, forecasting and cash flow, providing you with vital information for the sustainability and future of your business.

Additional mentoring support...

If you need help with anything that is not listed above, Chris can help you – please feel free to get in touch.

Mentoring support is very wide-ranging and varied – there aren’t many business situations that Chris hasn’t faced and dealt with.

If you’re ready to get started, book a free mentoring consultation, delivered online through Zoom, with no hidden fees or obligations. Chris will chat to you about your business and better understand your current position, before advising on the kinds of services that are right for you.

Alternatively, you can call directly on 07885 685641 or email and Chris will have a no-obligation chat to help guide you in the right direction.

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