Business development and business growth – mentoring for established businesses

As the owner of an established business, you will have already grabbed many opportunities and overcome many challenges and benefited from the action you have taken.  That experience puts you in the strong position and now you are planning to build upon your success.  

As you are here, we assume you are looking to continue to develop and grow your business its profitability? You are in the right place to make all that happen.

If you’re ready to start, book a free introductory consultation on Zoom – no hidden fees and no obligation. You can chat with Chris about your business and your current position, and he will tell you how he can help and support you.   


Business development and business growth – mentoring for established businesses

As the owner of an established business, you will have already grabbed many opportunities and overcome many challenges and benefited from the action you have taken.  That experience puts you in the strong position and now you are planning to build upon your success.  

As you are here, we assume you are looking to continue to develop and grow your business its profitability? You are in the right place to make all that happen.

If you’re ready to start, book a free introductory consultation on Zoom – no hidden fees and no obligation. You can chat with Chris about your business and your current position, and he will tell you how he can help and support you.   

What benefits will a mentor bring to your business?

Many people think that business mentors are only valuable to start-up businesses.  On the contrary, mentoring is even more important for established businesses. Successful business owners will seek advice at key points in their journey as they plan to improve their performance and improve results. 

Chris Dowling is a highly experienced business owner and mentor with over 40 years of frontline experience. During his business career, there aren’t many challenges and situations that Chris has not faced when it comes to running a successful business. As a mentor, he is a sounding board, critical friend and business consultant, providing support and guidance.  Chris helps his clients to achieve the success they want and deserve – his objective is YOUR SUCCESS.  

To learn more about how Chris can help your business, please visit the About page.  Alternatively, to understand his background and the businesses he has helped and supported, please visit the Case Studies page.

Why is mentoring so useful for existing established businesses?

Mentoring is a great way to check on how you are running your business,  to reflect and to plan ahead.  Many business owners are so busy working on the day to day demands of their business they do not find the time to look at the bigger picture – no criticism, that’s the way it is. Often, when running a business, the focus is on the clients, customers, finances, sales figures and the staff – all important. However, this means the owner is working ‘in the business, not on the business’. 

Work with Chris Dowling and you will benefit from a person-centred mentoring approach, tackling the issues and solving the problems that concern you. You can take a look at how you operate in your business and also look at your wider goals and targets and the results achieved.

Business development - mentoring for established businesses

There are many different aspects to business mentoring, but support and understanding for the business owner are key to the service.  Chris offers mentoring services that are tailored to you and your situation – no fixed programmes, no fixed ideas, just the opportunity to talk, analyse and assess to move forward.  Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your situation and to plan the best path forward.

Chris helps and supports business owners on a range of issues – which of these do you need?


Running a business can be a lonely place – you are you own, who do you talk to? Chris is a sounding board and critical friend, providing you with the accountability you need.

Scaling up your business

If you have got to the point where you want to scale and grow your business, Chris will help you with planning and implementing your next steps.

Developing knowledge and key business skills

We never stop learning – in business we sometimes learn the hard way and from our mistakes. Chris has experience and knowledge he has built up over many years in business – he helps you avoid the negatives and focus on the positives.

Overcoming obstacles and challenges

Chris will help you overcome the obstacles and challenges faced by all businesses. Whether you have an immediate challenge, or want to be in the best position to tackle them and succeed, Chris will help you.

Sales, marketing & customer service

A business is not a business without customers and sales and great service. Chris understands the importance of sales and marketing to find new customers and retaining existing customers.

Business finance and grants

Good finance and funding is the key for businesses – Chris understands the importance. He has access to commercial lenders and the government’s START-UP LOAN scheme, available to business which have been trading for up to three years. There are also business grants available from the government and public bodies.

Additional mentoring support...

If you need help with anything that is not listed above, please feel free to get in touch. Mentoring services are extremely wide-ranging and varied and there aren’t many scenarios that Chris isn’t familiar with.

If you’re ready to get started, book a free mentoring consultation, delivered online through Zoom, with no hidden fees or obligations. Chris will chat to you about your business and better understand your current position, before advising on the kinds of services that are right for you.

Alternatively, you can call directly on 07885 685641 or email and Chris will have a no-obligation chat to help guide you in the right direction.

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